Saturday, May 8, 2010


Well I've put 1023 miles on the car so far this week and I'm not yet home.  Never fear, I'm still here blogging.  Plenty of thought time being solo on the road.  I believe I've come up with a few questions I think you should be asking yourself...if you feel that you don't need to ask these questions of yourself, I suggest that you have larger problems that we originally believed. 

1.  What's holding you back?  Don't answer this shallowly.   Take a breathe and ponder before you spill your answer.  We all have something holding us back.

2.  What are you holding on to that would serve you better if you let it go?

3.  When was the last time you complemented someone?

4.  When was the last time you did something nice for someone with absolutely no expectation of getting anything in return?

5. Pretend you don't have a mother anymore... what would you like to tell her?  Okay, now call her and tell her.

6.  Did you name your five today?

7.  What is something you couldn't do before that you can do now?

So I wrote these down and answered them while early morning driving from Toledo to Muncie.  It was awesome to ponder quiet questions and hum the answers while going down the turnpike.  Driving and writing is not the best idea but I can no longer remember things if I don't write them down.  I  also get some really big news but I'm not ready to write about it yet.  Possibly tomorrow... Extra Extra Read ALL  ABout iT! 
The most that you'll ever back where you used to go... if grownups could laugh this slow where as we watch the hours go...Years may go by.   rlj

Peace out from out on the road.

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