Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's about TIME!!!

It's been exactly one month and one day since my last blog and please believe me that it's been hard for me to keep you in the dark this long but I promised George that I wouldn't say anything until we actually SOLD the Harvard house and that meant...going to the closing and CLOSING THE DEAL!!! Foolishly, I agreed and because I know myself...all in or all out..., I knew I couldn't keep my finger from telling everyone that we had buyers for the I just closed it down and put my fingers to the grindstone.

Soooooooooo...........WE SOLD THE HARVARD HOUSE!!!.... It's official and it's a done deal!  Whewwwwwwwwwwwww!  So it is a bit bittersweet that I begin again.  We are 100% out of Harvard and 100% in Martha.  Last night I did the opposite of what I've been doing for the past 5 months... after loading the last of the minutia, and cleaning the house we got in the truck at 2:30am, said goodbye to the holder of our hearts and family for the last 20 years and drove TO Martha.  We rode in silence and I think we both were trying not to let the other see the tears but when George unlocked the front door he looked at me and said, "Well, we start the next chapter now!"  So without further ado...

What have we been doing for the last 31 days?... Packing, packing, more packing, sorting, moving from here to there and back to that room over there ... NO, the other room...ugh... oh wait...there may have been a few updates since the Sewing Room...let's see.

(This room comes with a warning...If you do not want to be inundated with overwhelming awe, I suggest you not view these snaps!  This transformation is hard for most people to grasp and I'm just warning you... you're gonna wanna stay here!)

BEFORE...view from the hallway door...(there are 3 doors in this room...that's crazy talk!)

 View into the Mini Bar Area going into The Lounge

 So as you can see, we have lots of chipped trim and dirty cream colored walls.  I didn't get any snaps of the ceiling, drats!  It wasn't pretty but that's all been taken care of now...
 George working on ceiling...He looks so happy! : )

 Someone liked borders...the 80's called... they want it back!

 You can sorta see the ceiling in this snap... and you get a better idea of the trim work needed...ugh.
Ceiling light... hmmmmm...

So please fasten your seat's gonna get bumpy...

Walls get the first coat of "Pink Blush Morning"...

Day light shot with trim, ceiling and walls all painted... see the "hanging light fixture"

 Natural light is wonderful...

The floor was sanded down to barewood and then we "pickled" it.  We used a "pickling white" stain and sealer... It gives it that white washed look... look at the shadow of the Jade plant... I love it!
 Furniture moved in... the bed is READY!!!
 Sorta blurry but you're getting the vibe...
 My new reading area...
 This gives you a good view of the chandelier... and the floor.   The picture in the black frame was done by George when he was in 3rd grade... LOVE LOVE LOVE...
My favorite picture... Taken by Alfred Eisenstadt in Paris... The whole title is... "A wide range of facial expressions on children the moment the dragon is slain"  I absolutely LOVE this picture... It's printed on canvas and measures 30 x 40 to give you the idea of size... I pretend that I'm the one wearing the babushka and that George is the boy with his arm in the air.  
Well, I've fallen asleep twice while trying to finish this... I've got more to show you and promise it won't be so long between posts.  Thanks so much for all your inquires and nice letters and notes.  So glad to have closed one chapter and opened the next and am very thankful that you are along for the ride.
Cherie and Martha.

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