The breeze is soft and it's blowing. The lights twinkle. Music is just right. Drinks are chilling. The mosquitoes are out in FULL F#@$^% FORCE! OMG... it's unbelievable how a tiny little thing like bugs can almost wreck your evening but wait... I have some weapons on my side. First I get the can of Yard Guard and spray...all over the ankle area of the deck... then I light 11 citronella candles...then husband lights a "punk", we call them incense sticks but we have to let him a his little "ticks" as well. Now we can relax. Come on soft breeze! There it is. Take a drink and sit back and we get out a Square's Puzzle. It says on the label that it is not only the most fun puzzle but it may be one of the hardest puzzles on earth! Well, we are just that smart and we can do this.
35 minutes later, husband gets up and says he needs another adult beverage. So do I. Puzzle is not done. I must confess that I have been letting him do it his way and that I work very hard trying to keep my pie hole shut. I've been around this block a time or two! We come back to the puzzle with a new attitude and a new drink. We are ready!
20 minutes later, husband gets up and says he needs another adult beverage. So do I. Puzzle is not done. I already confessed that I have been letting him do it his way and that I am working even harder to keep my pie hole shut. I've been around this block a time or twenty! We come back to the puzzle with a semi-new attitude and a new drink. I am thinking I hope this comes together soon!
19 minute later, I'm slightly buzzed and husband just left to get another adult beverage. While he's gone I look at the puzzle, shuffle it around how I thought it should be in the first place and waaalaaaa. It's done! World's hardest puzzle is complete. Husband comes back...uh oh... he's pissed. I forgot about letting him think he did it. Shit! Will I ever learn? How many times have I been around this block?
Never mind... he sits back down. Gives me a shit ass grin and shakes his head. I smile my irresistible 3rd grade smile and WHACK...the mosquitoes are back!
Peace Out my busy bees!
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